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5 Steps to Discovering Your Core Values

By Tracy Sabelle

August 20, 2024

At Therapy Brampton, we believe that understanding and living by your core values is essential for personal growth and well-being. Your values act as a compass, guiding your decisions, behaviors, and life direction. Yet, many people struggle to clearly identify what their core values are. This blog will walk you through five steps to help you discover and articulate your core values, empowering you to lead a more intentional and fulfilling life.

Step 1: Reflect on Your Life Experiences

Start by looking back at the key moments in your life; both positive and negative. Consider the times when you felt truly happy and fulfilled, as well as moments of conflict or disappointment. What values were present during those high points, and what was missing during the low points? For example, if you felt most fulfilled when helping others, compassion might be one of your core values. Reflecting on your experiences can reveal patterns that point to what truly matters to you.

Step 2: Identify What Matters Most to You

Think about the people, activities, and principles that are most important in your life. Ask yourself questions like: “What do I stand for?” “What do I want to be remembered for?” and “What am I passionate about?” Write down anything that comes to mind, and don’t worry about being too specific at this stage. This exercise is about identifying the themes and ideas that resonate with you on a deep level.

Step 3: Narrow Down Your List

Once you have a broad list of values, it’s time to narrow it down. Look for themes or similar ideas that can be grouped together. For example, if you’ve listed honesty, integrity, and transparency, these could be combined under a broader value like “truthfulness.” Aim to identify about 5-7 core values that best represent who you are. These should be the values that resonate most strongly with you and that you would prioritize in making decisions.

Step 4: Define Your Core Values

Now that you’ve identified your core values, it’s important to define what each one means to you. Take each value and write a sentence or two about what it means in the context of your life. For example, if “family” is a core value, you might define it as “Prioritizing time with loved ones and supporting each other through all of life’s challenges.” Defining your values helps you internalize them and makes them more actionable in your daily life.

Step 5: Live by Your Core Values

The final step is to start living in alignment with your core values. This means making decisions that honor these values and using them as a guide in your daily life. It might involve making changes in your relationships, career, or habits to better reflect what truly matters to you. Remember that living by your values is a continuous process—it requires mindfulness and ongoing reflection to ensure you stay true to yourself.


Discovering your core values is a powerful step towards leading a more meaningful and fulfilling life. At Therapy Brampton, we’re here to support you on this journey of self-discovery and growth. If you’re struggling to identify or live by your values, therapy can provide a safe space to explore and clarify what matters most to you. Reach out to us today to start your journey towards a life that aligns with your true self.

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